Object of the Month

Rebeccah of Brook Farm



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[ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

This charming doll, dubbed Rebeccah Codman Butterfield, 被认为是由柯德曼家族的一名成员制作的,并被带到西罗克斯伯里的先验主义社区布鲁克农场, Massachusetts.

A Real Doll

丽贝卡·科德曼·巴特菲尔德(rebecca Codman Butterfield)于10月来到该协会,引起了很多关注, 不是因为她少女般的美貌,而是因为她迷人的人生故事. According to a note penned by the donor's mother, Ellis Phinney Taylor, and pinned to the doll's petticoat, Rebeccah's life began long ago but not too far away:

My name is Rebeccah Codman Butterfield. I was born in 1841. 我是我母亲做的,我是布鲁克农民的宠儿 & their children. Brook Farm was called The Transcendentalists. I grew up with the Alcotts, George Ripley, John S [Dwight], Margaret Fuller, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Thoreau, William Ellery Channing, Elizabeth Peabody & Nathaniel Hawthorne--no wonder I look a bit cracked! I was the doll for all the Butterfield children & a beloved member of that brilliant colony.'The Institute of Agriculture & Education. The family was small that first summer at Brook Farm, 15 or 20 persons but soon the neighborhood of Boston & 从遥远的国度带来了大批的学者——那些快乐的日子我就不多说了?] but the group shared all the work, hard or simple, with willing hands, 任何人不得以任何方式干涉他人的宗教权利. I am getting old and long winded. After 7 years Brook Farm came to its end & I moved to Boston where I led a very happy life & now I belong to Ellis, who treats me well & all her grand children love me--what more can one want?

从丽贝卡的浪漫故事中梳理出真相并不简单. Of all the luminaries mentioned in the note, only George Ripley (the founder), Nathaniel Hawthorne (for a brief unhappy time), and John S. Dwight were actually members. 也有可能丽贝卡是科德曼(而不是巴特菲尔德)家族的一员,是丽贝卡·B. 或者她的女儿莎拉·丽贝卡·科德曼,后来简称丽贝卡. 在19世纪,娃娃制作(和服装)是一门严肃的生意, 让年轻的娃娃主人为女性的家务劳动做好准备. Rebeccah's two-piece head, with its shining brown glass eyes, 可能是买来附在尸体上的她的服装是手工制作的. Although her dress is of a later vintage, it is also handmade, as are her possibly original undergarments, trimmed in delicate hand-knit lace. If Rebeccah's 1841 birthdate is correct, 科德曼的女儿丽贝卡已经大到不能玩娃娃了, 但我们肯定可以想象,一个十几岁的孩子出发去未知的地方,希望有一个熟悉的朋友陪伴她. And certainly, 住在布鲁克农场或在那里上学的许多孩子一定对丽贝卡不可抗拒.

The Codmans of Brook Farm

In March of 1843, two years after the founding of Brook Farm, 波士顿的科德曼一家来到了西罗克斯伯里,在社区中占据了一席之地:约翰, a machinist, and Rebecca (Hall) Codman, their sons Charles and John Thomas, approximately 14 and 17 years of age, and daughter Sarah Rebecca, about 18 years old. 科德曼一家对改革运动并不陌生——母亲丽贝卡(Rebecca)是妇女生理学会(Ladies' Physiological Society)的活跃成员, 它提高了人们对女性解剖学和健康问题的认识并赞助了讲座, often delivered by women. 科德曼一家来到布鲁克农场时,正值一个过渡时期. 一些创始成员已经离开,社区开始采用查尔斯·傅立叶的教义,不再是严格的农业活动. 正如丽贝卡·科德曼·巴特菲尔德在她的《og体育平台》中指出的那样,“引进了各种机械工业……农场的各种劳动。, household, and workshops were committed to general departments, called Series, 这些部门又被分成更小的部门,称为小组,每个小组都有一个负责人,负责分配给小组的工作, and directed how and when it should be done.查尔斯·考德曼还小,可以成为学校的一名学生,家里的其他人也都开始埋头苦干了. 斯特林·德拉诺(Sterling Delano)编制的布鲁克农场最优秀的30名工人名单显示,四位年长的科德曼夫妇对此做出了巨大贡献. During the period from May 1844 to April 1845, Rebecca and her daughter worked 2,678 and 2,858 hours respectively, placing them in the top ten; father John and son John Thomas were 24th and 26th in the rankings, having contributed 2,322 and 2,298 hours of work.

Life at Brook Farm was not all work, however. Surviving memoirs, 包括丽贝卡·巴特菲尔德和约翰·托马斯·科德曼, recall life at Brook Farm as pared down to the essentials, yet intellectually and socially stimulating. 一天的工作结束后,音乐、演讲、舞蹈和谈话占据了压倒一切的地位. 男人、女人和孩子们并肩工作、玩耍和学习. 科德曼一家一直住在布鲁克农场,直到痛苦的结局, 短短几个月后,布鲁克农场居民的希望和梦想在1846年3月3日的晚上付之一炬(尽管企业面临的财政困难可能最终注定了他们的命运).

Love beside the Brook

虽然在布鲁克农场存在期间只发生过一次婚姻,但约翰·T. 据柯德曼回忆,在农场里结成的友谊促成了十四桩婚姻, among them, his sister's marriage to Jonathan Butterfield, the printer of Brook Farm's newspaper, The Harbinger. Codman recalls them as the "tall manly handsome-faced, clear-complexioned 'Hero' (Butterfield, whose curls more than rivalled the other), 寻找一个黑眼睛的女孩,她后来成为了他忠实而慈爱的妻子.丽贝卡·巴特菲尔德自己后来也把两性的交往视为布鲁克农场生活的主要优点之一. 她在《og体育平台》(Reminiscences)一书中指出,婚姻生活中的许多误解和不愉快都源于对彼此的错误了解, 青年男女很少会在交往中相遇,而这种交往给他们提供了学习性格优劣的机会, of the opposite sex. 丽贝卡·科德曼和乔纳森·巴特菲尔德在1847年离开布鲁克农场后结婚,并有一个女儿, Ella, who was born in 1850 and died in 1884. In their later years, the Butterfields lived in West Medford, Massachusetts, where Jonathan died in 1894 at age 76. Rebecca lived on until 23 December 1911. Among their Medford neighbors was the Phinney family, 她的女儿埃利斯最终得到了这个娃娃和丽贝卡·科德曼·巴特菲尔德的手稿《og体育平台》, among many other items, 这些都是她的后代多年来慷慨捐赠给协会的. The Society also owns two paintings of Brook Farm, both by Josiah Wolcott, one formerly owned by members of the Codman family (http://ltc6.boonfashion.net/database/43),另一幅则描绘了农场上空的彩虹(http://ltc6.boonfashion.net/database/451)

Further reading

Brook Farm Association. Brook Farm Records.

Butterfield, Rebecca Codman. 《og体育平台》编辑. by Joel Myerson. New England Quarterly, v. 65, no. 4 (Dec. 1992), p. 603-630.

Codman, John Thomas. Brook Farm: Historic and Personal Memoirs. Boston: Arena Publishing, 1894.

Codman-Butterfield papers, 1834-1910.

德拉诺,斯特林,“‘我们已经废除了家庭奴役’:布鲁克农场的妇女和工作”,摘自 Toward a Female Genealogy of Transcendentalism. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2014.

Swift, Lindsay. Brook Farm: Its Members, Scholars, and Visitors. New York: Macmillan, 1900.