
"为了打发时间,我已开始对查尔斯敦作一番勘察": Henry Pelham's map of 1775 Boston

新英格兰波士顿及其周边地区的规划, 包括弥尔顿, 多尔切斯特, 罗克斯伯里, 布鲁克林(原文如此), 剑桥, 梅德福, 查尔斯顿, 马尔登和切尔西的部分地区, with the Military Works Constructed in those Places in the Years 1775 and 1776 Facsimile map

新英格兰波士顿及其周边地区的规划, 包括弥尔顿, 多尔切斯特, 罗克斯伯里, 布鲁克林(原文如此), 剑桥, 梅德福, 查尔斯顿, 马尔登和切尔西的部分地区, with the Military Works Constructed in those Places in the Years 1775 and 1776

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[项目描述如下: 本月目标 ]

The map shown here is a 1907 facsimile of one drawn by Henry Pelham in 1775 and published in England in 1777 depicting Boston and its surrounding areas in the early days of the American Revolution. The original map was one of the earliest gifts to the MHS, presented in 1791 by William Tudor.


In 1914, the Massachusetts Historical Society published a remarkable cache of letters between Henry Pelham, his step-brother artist John Singleton Copley and sister-in-law Susanna Copley in London, 以及他们朋友圈里的其他人. The letters not only provide insight into the artistic careers of both Copley and Pelham, but provide an insider’s look at life in Revolutionary Boston from the Loyalist perspective. 两兄弟之间的信件往来于大西洋两岸, detailing the escalating conflict between the colonies and their mother country (at least until Pelham figured out his mail was being opened and read). 佩勒姆和他圈子里的其他人都是坚定的保皇派, a stance that would eventually jeopardize his livelihood and force him to abandon his birthplace. In a 1774 letter, Pelham describes stopping at a tavern in Springfield, Mass.在那里,他和他的朋友们被揭露是托利党

我们到客栈过夜的时间不长, when a party of four and twenty who had been out that day shooting Squerels, 去那里分他们的战利品, og体育平台引起了他们之间的争吵. This with the plenty of Liquer they had made them noisy and Rioutous … Coll. 沃辛顿先生. 幸福, 两个政府之友, 从我们的房间出来,经过他们的房间, 引起了大家对我们的怨恨. They said He [the tavern keeper] had a damn’d pack of Torys in his House and they would have us out. 我们的抵抗加剧了他们的骚动. 他们装弹并发射火枪,持续了近两个小时. At length one more peaceably disposed than the Rest perswaded them to disperse for the night, 第二天早晨,我们必须承认自己的过错, 放弃我们的原则.

第二天早上,佩勒姆和他的队伍在袭击者起床之前就撤离了, 尽管他说这种情况“给了我一些乐趣,这几乎肯定只是事后才觉得好笑.

回到波士顿, Pelham soon found that his Loyalist leanings led directly to a lack of commissions, complaining to Copley in May 1775 that “People in the Country have made it a Rule for a long time Past to brand every one with the Name of Tory and consider them as Inimical to the Liberties of America who are not will’g to go every length with them in their Scheems however mad.7月,佩勒姆写道,他的生意已经完全枯竭,并补充道:

为了打发时间,我已开始对查尔斯敦作一番勘察, 我得到了盖奇将军和豪将军的许可, who were polite eno to grant me a general Pass directed to all Officers commanding Guards for going to and returning from 查尔斯顿. 创国际豪, 来协助我进行测量的艰苦工作, 好心地让我指挥一个萨扬特和他的手下. This Plan when finished will give a good Idea of the late battle … I have often passed Doct [Joseph] Warren’s Grave. 我有一种不愉快的感觉, thus to see a Townsman an old Acquaintance led by unbounded Ambition to an untimely death and thus early to realise that Ruin which a lust of Power and Dominion has brought upon himself and partly through his means upon this unhappy Country. 我希望忘记他的原则,哀叹他的命运.

This plan of 查尔斯顿 would later be incorporated into the larger map of Boston and its surroundings. 它显示了佩勒姆对该地区的深入了解, 不仅详细描述了军事设施的位置,比如堡垒, 粉杂志, 和堡垒, 也包括教堂, 码头, 州议会大厦, 法纳尔厅, 哈佛学院, and the locations of the homes of prominent Loyalists along Brattle Street in 剑桥. At the top left is a copy of the pass issued to Pelham by the British authorities to cross enemy lines unmolested to “take a plan of the towns of Boston & 查尔斯顿和起义军在这些地方附近工作.在调查了农村后不久, 佩勒姆离开英国与家人团聚, 他的地图于1777年在哪里出版.


在亨利·佩勒姆绘制波士顿地图的五年前, 他与保罗·里维尔展开了自己的斗争. 在波士顿大屠杀之后的日子里, 佩勒姆制作了一幅混战的照片, 题目是“专断权力的果实”.” Featuring the familiar line of British soldiers firing upon unarmed townsfolk, Pelham’s engraving apparently so captured Revere’s imagination that he could not help pirating it (with slight changes) and— much to Pelham’s chagrin—bringing it to market before Pelham could even advertise his own print for sale. Indignant, Pelham wrote to Revere, outlining his grievances in no uncertain terms:

周四Morng. 波士顿(1770年3月29日. 先生, 当我听说你在切一盘已故的谋杀案时, I thought it impossible as I knew you was not capable of doing it unless you copied it from mine and as I thought I had entrusted it in the hands of a person who had more regard to the dictates of honour and justice than to take the undue advantage you have done of the confidence and trust I reposed in you. But I find I was mistaken and after being at the great Trouble and Expence of making a design paying for paper, 印刷 &c. find myself in the most ungenerous Manner deprived not only of any proposed Advantage but even of the expence I have been at, 就像你在公路上抢劫了我一样. If you are insensible of the Dishonour you have brought on yourself by this Act, 世界将不再如此. 然而, I leave you to reflect upon and consider of one of the most dishonourable Actions you could well be guilty of.

目前尚不清楚里维尔对佩勒姆做出了什么回应. 不管, 当我们想到波士顿大屠杀时,我们看到的就是里维尔的形象, 无疑增加了佩勒姆对革命及其追随者的厌恶.


Henry Pelham was born in Boston in 1749 to the mezzotint artist Peter Pelham and his third wife, 玛丽·辛格尔顿·科普利, 画家约翰·辛格尔顿·科普利的母亲. Henry attended Boston Latin School and established himself as a portraitist and miniature painter prior to the Revolution. Pelham left Boston in 1776, joining Copley and other members of his family in England. He later removed to Ireland where he continued his artistic career and married Catherine Butler, 谁在生下双胞胎儿子后死亡. 佩勒姆死于1806年,当时他的船在爱尔兰的肯梅尔河倾覆, 当时他正在监督一座塔的建造.


信 & Papers of John Singleton Copley and Henry Pelham, 1739-1776 Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 1914年,转载纽约:肯尼迪图形公司. 达卡波出版社,1970年.

佩勒姆和里维尔的波士顿大屠杀版画, 还有其他的例子, 可在卫生保健网站查阅 对波士顿大屠杀的看法.